How to Reset password for the batches E18 and earlier (E18/E17/16..)

How to Reset password for the batches E18 and earlier (E18/E17/16..)

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala (A) -
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(Only for the batches E18 or before)

FEeLS uses the same password which you use to login to CC computers. So you can't reset your password through FEeLS.

When the faculty is closed or you are unable to visit,

You have to send a mail to from your eng mail if available or with a photo of your student ID card with following details.

  • Registration number
  • New password to be added.

When the faculty is properly functioning,

You have to meet either Mr. Samantha   or Mr. Mahinda  in Computing Centre with your student ID card to reset your password.