Site announcements

FEeLS Course List-Sem 1 (starting on 24th June 2024)

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala (A) -

Dear Student

Your FEeLS course list is updated with the semester 1 courses. Please check the courses in the "My Courses" Tab in FEeLS. The course access is given to the whole E22 batch until the course registration is completed. You MUST register for the courses when the course registration is opened. 

FEeLS notification emails

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala (A) -

Dear FEeLS user

Recently, it is noted that the emails sent from FEeLS notifications are delivered to the Spam folder in the email account due to a problem in the pdn mail server. 

Please regularly check the spam folder and mark the emails from FEeLS are not spam.


FEeLS Course List-Sem 4, 6 and 8 (starting on 11th Mar 2024)

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala (A) -

Dear Student

Your FEeLS course list is updated with the semester 4, 6 and 8 courses based on the course registration data. Please check the courses in the "My Courses" Tab in FEeLS and compare the list with your registered courses in the course registration system.

If your FEeLS course list is incorrect, please send an email to with your registration number and the changes required to be made.

The Add-Drop changes will be updated by Friday in the relevant week.

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